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Specializing in Immigration, Real State, Taxes, Wills, Divorce


"I could not have chosen a better company to deal with all of our immigration applications for our family. I would highly recommend TA Lawyers to anyone looking for a first-class service. Thank you for all of your help and I look forward to dealing with you again in the future.   - Shane Bloxham"

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Would you like to speak with one of our lawyer's specialists? Call us on 641357380 or Just fill out the form with your details and we'll be in touch with you shortly. You can also send us an email directly to

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International Experience

It allow us to know the customer needs and anticipate with global solutions.

Fluent Communication in different Languages

With a clear International customer orientation, we offer fluent communication in Spanish and English.

Rapid and Quality response time

Once you inform us of your case, we will give you a quick and clear response to the process to follow.

Our Customer First

Your comfort is our goal. If you prefer or you cannot visit us personally. We offer videoconference services to help you wherever you are.

Ask us for help

Would you like to speak with one of our lawyer's specialists? Call us on 641357380 or Just fill out the form with your details and we'll be in touch with you shortly. You can also send us an email directly to

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I accept the privacy policy. See conditions

Visit us

Avenida Candalix 35 , Elche 03202

We are open

Mn-Fr: 9am to 2pm 4pm to 7pm F: 9 to 2pm

Client Testimonials


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TA LAWYERS - International Lawyers

TA LAWYERS, was created with the aim of providing coverage to international clients with interests in Spain. After living and working abroad for several years, its founder Manuel Torres Andreu, ICAE collegiate lawyer, understood the difficulties a foreigner face in all procedures when arriving in a country with a new culture and a different language. As spanish-speaking lawyers, our team provides comprehensive legal support for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish themselves in Spain. If you are looking for a native Spanish attorney, TA LAWYERS is your best option.

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Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resilencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NextGenerationEU