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Professional Internship in Spain

Get inform the requirementes to get 1 year residence for Job searcing after your studies in Spain



We are facing a residence permit for internships for 6 months or for the duration of the internship agreement if it is less than 6 months. It can only be renewed once and It cannot exceed the time of 1 year of the total period of the initial authorization and renewal.


  • That the foreigner has been admitted for the realization of internship based on the signing of an internship agreement with a host entity, which includes theoretical and practical training.
  • That the foreigner has obtained a degree in higher education in the 2 years prior to the date of application or is conducting studies that lead to obtaining a degree in higher education.
  • That the internships are carried out in the same academic field and at the same level of qualification as the higher education degree or the referred study program.
  • That the foreigner will have health insurance and sufficient economic resources during his residence.
  • That the foreigner does not have a criminal record in his previous countries of residence during the last five years for crimes provided for in the Spanish law.
  • Not appear as rejectable in the territorial space of the countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.
  • That, the foreigner is regularly in Spanish territory.

Place of presentation: Immigration office of the province where the internships will be carried out.

Resolution period: 30 days from request.

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resilencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NextGenerationEU