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Family Ties

Si estás en España y cumples los requisitos para el arraigo, es una forma de obtener un permiso de residencia renovable por 1 año.


It is a temporary residence due to exceptional circumstances granted to foreigners who already reside in Spain and who:

  • Are a father or mother a minor of Spanish nationality
  • Children of a father or mother who had originally been Spanish.

This authorization is granted for 1 year and is accompanied by a work authorization for someone else or as freelance in Spain.


  • Not to be a citizen of a State of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or of Switzerland, or relative of citizens of these countries to which the regime of citizen of the Union applies.
  • Lack of criminal records in Spain and in their previous countries of residence for crimes existing in the Spanish law.
  • Not be prohibited from entering Spain and not appear as rejectable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.
  • Not being, within the commitment period of no return to Spain that the foreigner has assumed by voluntarily returning to their country of origin.
  • Be a father or mother of a minor of Spanish nationality, or son of a father or mother who had originally been Spanish.

Place of presentation: Immigration office of the province where the foreigner resides.


It is a modification of the conditions of the authorization for exceptional circumstances to obtain a residence and initial work permit of:

  • Nonprofit
  • Work for others
  • Work as freelance


Understand the process of establishing Family Ties in Spain, an integral part of Family Immigration, and its interplay with EU Family Member Card and De Facto Union Couple residency options.

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resilencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NextGenerationEU