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Long Stay Visa in Spain

Get inform the requirements to obtain the Long term residence in Spain.


If you're considering a long-term stay in Spain, it's vital to be familiar with the requirements and application process. TA LAWYERS provides an in-depth look at the criteria for acquiring long-term residence and how to apply.

Long Term Residence in Spain requirements

We are facing a long-term residence authorization that allow to reside and work in Spain indefinitely under the same conditions as Spaniards.


  • Not to be a citizen of a State of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or of Switzerland, or relative of citizens of these countries to which the regime of citizen of the Union applies.
  • Not be irregularly in Spanish territory.
  • Lack of criminal records in Spain.
  • Not be prohibited from entering Spain and not appear as rejectable in the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement in this regard.
  • Not being, where appropriate, within the commitment period of no return to Spain that the foreigner has assumed by voluntarily returning to their country of origin.


Find yourself within on of there situations:

  • Have resided legally and continuously in Spanish territory for 5 years.
  • Have resided for 5 continuous years as a holder of the EU Blue Card in the European Union, provided that the two years immediately prior to the date of application said residence has occurred in Spanish territory.
  • Be a resident beneficiary of a contributory retirement pension, included within the protective action of the Spanish Social Security system.
  • Be a resident beneficiary of a pension of absolute permanent disability or of great disability, in its contributory modality, included within the protective action of the Spanish Social Security system.
  • Be a resident and have been born in Spain and upon reaching the age of majority have resided in Spain legally and continuously for at least the 3 consecutive years immediately preceding the application.
  • Having been a Spanish of origin and having lost Spanish nationality.
  • Be a resident who upon reaching the age of majority has been under the guardianship of a Spanish public entity for the five immediately preceding years in a row.
  • Be stateless, refugee or beneficiary of subsidiary protection, be in Spanish territory and have been recognized the respective statute in Spain.
  • Having made a notable contribution to the economic, scientific or cultural progress of Spain, or to the projection of Spain abroad.

Benefits of applying for a long-stay visa

Acquiring a long-stay visa in Spain offers a wide range of advantages, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking to establish themselves in this beautiful country. Here are some of the key benefits:


  • Travel within the Schengen Zone: Spain is part of the Schengen Zone, which means that with a Spanish visa you can travel freely to other Schengen countries for short stays without the need for additional visas or permits.


  • Family reunification: Holders usually have the option of bringing their family members to Spain, which favours family reunification.


  • Education: If you have children, Spain offers access to a high-quality education system, including public and public schools, as well as universities.


Where to Apply for Long Term Visa in Spain

If you are planning to settle in Spain for an extended period of time, it is essential that you know where and how to initiate your long-stay visa application.


In Spain, the main point of contact for foreigners, including those applying for long-stay visas, is the Foreigners' Office “Oficina de Extranjeros”. This office comes under the Spanish Ministry of the Interior and is responsible for matters related to immigration, visas and residence permits.


Each Spanish province has its own Foreigners' Office. This means that you must apply in the province where you currently reside or intend to reside. The location is crucial because each office may have slightly different application processes or requirements depending on regional policies or specific local circumstances.


Please consult with a legal expert like TA Lawyers to ensure all requisites are met for your specific situation.


Ready to start your long-term residency process in Spain? Contact us today to discuss your needs and let TA Lawyers make your transition to Spain as smooth as possible.

 Discover the journey towards Long Term Residence in Spain, an important goal within the Residence and Roots category, and see how it connects with the Social Roots and Work Roots residency options.

Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resilencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NextGenerationEU